Ideas To Get Your New Website Get Noticed

By Laura Warren

In your research to start an online business you may have run across some interesting information, which is, that traffic is the key to success in any online business venture. Creating traffic is what makes your website visible to others.

Just like brick-and-mortar businesses the "traffic" you receive is the customers and potential customers who may be looking for something that your business may have or they may just be curious window shoppers, passersby.

This traffic accounts for 70-80% of sales for a business. This figure depends on the types of products or services that you offer however.

A brick-and-mortar business can be seen and people generally know that it exists, unlike these types of businesses an online business is not so readily seen by others and you must promote it in order for others to know that it exists. This can be done through free resources such as classified ads or by allowing another business to promote your website online for you.

There are many roads you can take but the most commonly traveled path by marketers is the use of search engines such as MSN, Google and Yahoo. This strategy involves the use of certain keywords so that your business can be found.

You must optimize your website and content for these keywords otherwise the search engines will not be able to match the keywords to your website and you will get lost in the search engines.

Some marketers use a strategy that involves networking with other online marketers. This can be done by joining a certain forum or commenting on a blog related to your interests. This generates good "karma" because the good you do for others will be repaid to you many times over. That is the concept of people helping others to achieve a common goal.

Another strategy involves commenting, voting, bookmarking and participating in social networking sites. Social networks are good sources of online traffic and can be used to communicate with others and get the word out about your site.

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