Guidelines To Conduct Email Marketing Without Damaging The Reputation Of Your Company

By Clark Mitchell

I think we would all agree that spam is a real pain to receive. Sometimes it would be nice to send spam back to the sender. They don't like it any better than we do. Thankfully spam is illegal to send, and most Internet Providers will take immediate action against the senders of the spam.

Well it is true that email marketing is a very effective and low cost tool, but it may do your company more harm than good. If your company undergoes a spam inquiry, it will hurt the reputation of your company.

So, we all agree that we don't want people thinking the stuff we are sending via email is spam. What can we do to make sure it isn't treated as such? For starters, follow the rules and regulations of the CAN-SPAM Act. This act sets limits on what kind of email marketing may be done.

These regulations are best considered by someone who does this for a living. This new industry includes the email marketing companies. This is a place to start to keep on the right side of the law.

They work a lot alike, but have some differences that you can research depending on your business needs. They basically provide you a template that is legal, then you fill it in with your great stuff and they mail it out using all the legal stuff to make it pass the legal standards. This is all done for a small sum. Nothing is for free.

If you use one of these companies, you practically eliminate the possibility of being blacklisted or turned in as a spammer. You will also be more cost effective.

It only takes a short time and you can be up and running with a new email campaign. It is like setting up with Google ads. You input your data then add your picture and you are up and at it.

These are professionals who are experts at staying legal and using email marketing. This may be the easiest route to go.

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