Navel Link Stem Units Repository

By Adriana Noton

Umbilical cord stem cells are found in the blood of the cord. The cells provide a genetic clone of the child and can separate into limited number of cell types in the body. Storage of this blood once the baby is born can be helpful if a condition arises in the future and the person is in need of a lifeline to maintain existence.

While the fetus is still in the womb it is collecting blood and nutrients from the placenta. This blood can be collected after birth and stored. If the individual is stricken with a disease at a later date they can draw from this reserve to help with treatment. Additionally, in some cases blood may become a match for others.

It can be difficult when a child is stricken with diseases such as a metabolic disorder, leukemia or sickle cell disorders. Using blood that has been stored from birth may provide hope of recovery for families.

Diseases attack the body and can cause serious side effects in the patient. Damage may be reversed with the help of stem cells. Therefore, deciding not to discard the blood after birth may be helpful in the future if the person's body is attacked by illness.

Medical professionals must have time to prepare storage for the blood, so women must decide if this is the best option for them well in advance of giving birth. It is too late to make this decision after the baby is born. Once the cord has been cut from the woman and child the blood is immediately transferred to a bank where it is stored in a place that is sterile and free of any contaminants. The process is often done very quickly, many times before the placenta is delivered.

The decision to store blood is painless since samples are taken after the woman and child are no longer joined. The type of the blood is then determined and extensive testing is done to determine that it is free of any illness or disorder. After testing is completed the blood is stored in liquid nitrogen.

In the past patients might have to undergo a painful bone marrow transplant to hope for a cure to a disease. Stem units can replace this method of treatment to provide a more comfortable option for patients. Because these units carry a genetic equivalent to what the individual already possesses the chances for recovery become much greater. Equally, these units could provide a match for family members. There are many people who cannot afford health care. If donated, these cells can help to increase the chances for recovery for low income individuals.

Umbilical cord stem cells are a great resource to use for treatment options. Storage can be costly, but the chance of recovery can be greater than using other methods of treatment. Banking the blood may also give advantages to those who cannot afford expensive medical care. Individuals will want to make this decision well before giving birth as there is some preparation involved when storing the blood. Researching all options to find the one most suitable will ensure that the best decision for the individual is made.

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