How to Grow Your Business In Todays Economy

By Dr. James R. Fedich

With today's fast pace world, things change at an amazing pace. Trends change and move quickly, and it can be tough for the average small business owner to keep up. This fast changing world and economy can be tough for the average small business owner to keep up.

The key to small business growth and success is speed. Speed of change, changing quickly, changing directions quickly. Things happen faster than ever, a profitable part of the business can slip quickly. Business owners need to be able to keep up on these trends. Business owners need to be able to catch these trends quickly or they may find themselves in trouble. In the chiropractic industry from which I began, doctors are only

However, the total collections of a practice are just one metric of the business. Sometimes, new patients could be slipping, but the collections are fine because some old insurance money came in for 2 months. Next thing the docs knows, collections drop 30 percent. Now, that didn't happen overnight, the new patient numbers have been drifting down for several months, if the docs knew about it after 1 month, he could have ran an ad, sent a postcard or did something else to correct before it hit. This is the modern economy, changes happen fast, and you must react quickly.

The good news for you is that you own a small business and you have the ability to adapt and change quickly. A large company cannot make quick course corrections like you can. However, if you arent monitoring the business closely, you will not know what changes to make. The real way to grow is to keep close eye on the business, the key metrics and monitor for trends. After years in practice, I could not find a tool that could monitor my practice closely. A simple report doesnt do the trick, graphs can pick up trends and give you a better picture of how you are doing. I also wanted the ability to manipulate the data into weekly, monthly, quarterly reports to catch the trends

I had trouble locating any type of tool that would provide me this information. Especially as a business owner on the go. I wanted to be able to see my key metrics anywhere i was. Since i couldn't find what i needed, i decided to make it on my own!. The app I developed is called iBiz Stats. It allows you to enter any and as many key business metrics as you choose, track them daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly. It then takes the data and turns it into full color graphs and reports that can be printed. Most importantly, the data is transferable among apple devices. So, a person can enter the data on an iphone and read it across the world on a business partners ipad. A consultant could also log into 100's of their clients stats on one device. It is a unique solution available today!

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