Creating Your Melaleuca Marketing Plan

By Bruce Holmes

A marketing strategy will help your Melaleuca business grow and it will help you determine what you want to get out of your marketing efforts. Your marketing strategy should think about these three things.

The first is knowing the target audience. Having a target audience is very important to your strategy. Your marketing strategy will differ based on the types of people in your target audience. You will market different to moms than you would to a good of teenage girls. Depending on your product and target audience you may find that you will have different strategies for different groups of target audiences.

Asking yourself some of the following questions will give you a better understanding of your target audience for your marketing strategy. What is the age range of the customer using my product or service? What gender would be most interested? What is the income level of the potential customers? Is this product or service something that they need or is this considered more of a luxury? Where do my potential customers get their information to make decisions? Do they research using the Internet, television, or ask family and friends? Of course these are just some of the questions you can ask, the more questions you ask the better understanding you will have of your target audience.

The second includes the key element or the product. What makes your product or service different? Why would people want to purchase your product or use your service? The answer to these questions is key to your marketing strategy. If your business is in a field where there are a lot of similar products or services no one is going to choose yours unless it stands out to them.

The third includes implementation of the strategy. This is where the tricky part comes in. This is where you will develop a detailed marketing plan with a list of specific actions that are used to implement the strategy you have set forth.

Your marketing plan can include anything that you think will help your customers begin to wonder about your business. An example might be having an inexpensive product to sell that is different at first and then get them interested in the rest of the business from there.

Once you have determined who was in your target audience you may want to think about asked where your potential customers got their information. This question is very useful in the implementation part of your plan and strategy. If you find that your customers utilize the Internet more for research, you may determine that using Internet marketing will be a good strategy. Using social media may also be valuable and a cheap way to get customers to pay attention if should find that your a target audience uses these tools on a daily basis then have unique content to post on these sites.

Remember when you are developing your strategy that your marketing plan may take a while to take effect. You want to build in some time before you start seeing results especially in today's fast paced world when everything is constantly changing.

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