The Standard Search Engine Optimisation Techniques To Assist Improving Your Web Site Rankings

By Mayra Horn

A lot of businesses are curious as to exactly what SEO is. SEO stands for search engine optimisation, which can make or break your business.

We are going to start right from the beginning, assuming you have no website and no domain. You will need a domain name that is short and snappy so people can easily remember it. If you can avoid doing so, try not to put hyphens in the name. Including keywords in your domain is a top recommendation.

Once you have sorted your domain, it is time to setup a website. What sort of site you want is dependent on what the website is for. Google and other search engines are currently ranking things like blogs quite highly. However this, like many things, won't last forever, and you need to plan for the long term. Having a blog on your website is good because it has content that changes regularly. That once again puts more weighting on your domain. If you are planning on utilising a CMS, make sure you pick one that is search engine friendly. Some can be done easily such as Drupal, which allows for many SEO customisations to be employed.

Do not listen to the myth that meta tags will have a great effect on SEO. Do use them, but stick to a small amount of keywords and make sure those keywords appear on the page. Also put a meta description which should be written for human eyes as this is the text that Google displays as the extract from the site.

The internal linking structure in your site should be intuitive and lead to people to exactly where you want them to go. If the main navigation doesn't allow for you to include important links, you can always use a sidebar or the footer. Be wary of using Flash- and if you do, ensure hard links are present to compensate. Alternatively there may be content you don't want people to see- use a robots.txt file to solve this:

User-agent: * Disallow: /

This prevents spiders from listing certain pages and documents.

These are some of the basic, but important parts of SEO- good luck!

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