Get The Best Price With Google Adwords Using These Tips

By Heath K. Phillips

In the realm of online marketing, designing an ad campaign can either empty your pocket or give you massive gains depending on how you maximize Google Adwords' potentials and how you sustain it as an ongoing process.

Known experts in this area like Perry Marshall (author of The Definitive Guide to Google Adwords) talk about how Google Adwords campaign can be managed efficiently. Marshall also discussed several techiques aimed at helping you gain benefits in your ad campaign and presents various ways on how to make your campaign a success as time goes by.

Learn and familiarize all the strategies used by Adwords experts and affiliate marketers and you'll get your money's worth; in fact, you can minimize your ad campaign's cost and get ahead of your competitors just by being meticulous on your choice of keywords. Below are practical and easy-to-follow tips for getting results with Google Adwords and one that allows you to manage costs in the simplest possible way:

First: As much as possible, avoid aiming for top spot placement.The first or top spot in the Google 'Sponsored Searched' results is typically seen as the one producing the most conversions from visitors, but this is a fallacy because in reality, the second and third spots usually get the higher conversion rates. Choosing the 2nd or 3rd spot not only provides necessary exposure of your ad campaign to your market, it also is cost-savvy to do so. For example, it's more likely that a visitor looking for information goes through the entire list in the search and as thus gives the same focus to all the ads in it.

Two, remove from your list all negative keywords. Any keyword or keyphrase has a potential to produce hundreds even thousands of clicks, yet may also have a very low capacity to convert.This happens particularly when your ad contains any 'negative' keyword prompting visitors to click the ad only to find out later that the content isn't what they need. When you encounter this same situation, choose other words or synonyms to replace the negative keyword; you can be assured of an increased CTR with this simple yet tested Google Adwords optimization technique.

Finally, don't bid on broad match keywords. When you want to get some very targeted traffic to your website, don't waste your money or time bidding on broad or general keywords. Look at the 'advertiser competition' results for those keywords; if the bar is colored more than halfway, there is a very low chance that you will be able to bid on that word for a low price. Look for keywords and keyphrases that have a low color indicator; this may involve scrolling down the list, but anything that isn't highly competitive may also have a fairly low bidding price. You can use the 'exact match' feature on the Google Adwords Keyword Selector Tool to drill down your search.

Your Google Adwords ad campaign's conversion rates can be enhanced in varied ways, at the same, ensuring you are dealing with your target market efficiently. Maximize your campaign with any of these strategies and start bidding on winning combination of keywords without spending too much.

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