Determining why you want to start your own network marketing business is one of the first things I feel a network marketer must do. When I ask people that are getting started in Internet marketing why they want to start a new business the answers are usually the same, they want to make more money. Making more money or becoming a millionaire is not the why to a business. Making money is the result of your "why." You must think about your "why." Determining your why will help you to not only grow your own business but will help you inspire others.
What does it mean to create your why? Creating your why entails creating a specific statement that represents why you are starting your own business. Your why will specifically state what you want to achieve, what is your belief, or what is your purpose, in starting your own business. Your why has to be extremely specific, quantifiable, achievable, and of course, relevant. Your why starts with your prior experiences, it is part of who you are, what you believe in, and where you have come from.
Determining and understanding your why means thinking about and understanding who you are, examining your prior experiences and how these experiences, good or bad has helped develop who you are today. Examine the times in your life when your energy level was high, and determine what contributed to the high energy level. Many times it involves a specific belief or purpose that is important to you.
Your why involves your cause. The cause of your business does not change, though the course of action or how you achieve your cause may change. To maintain focus means to maintain your focus on the cause.
A famous "why" by one of my mentors, Jay Kubassek, is "To Create 100 Millionaires by 2012." This in turn became the mission statement of his company. Another example, if you are in the fitness industry, would be, "Helping 100 People Lose 10+ pounds."
It took me some time to really grasp my "why." I had no idea when I first started what my "why" was. I had to find a way to combine the things that I loved and determine what my true purpose and passion was. So based on my previous experiences and the things that I enjoy in life, I was able to create my "why." My "why" is to, help 100 people do what inspires them, to achieve their goals and to create their best life without limits. I give you this as an example so that you will be able to create your "why." Once I created my "why" my business flourished!
Now take some time to create your "why". Determining your "why" will help your network marketing business grow, and will help you attract people into your Internet business that have the same belief as you. Knowing your "why" will help you understand the reasons you do what you do. Once you've finished I would love to know what it is...make sure you add it to the comment box on the website below.
What does it mean to create your why? Creating your why entails creating a specific statement that represents why you are starting your own business. Your why will specifically state what you want to achieve, what is your belief, or what is your purpose, in starting your own business. Your why has to be extremely specific, quantifiable, achievable, and of course, relevant. Your why starts with your prior experiences, it is part of who you are, what you believe in, and where you have come from.
Determining and understanding your why means thinking about and understanding who you are, examining your prior experiences and how these experiences, good or bad has helped develop who you are today. Examine the times in your life when your energy level was high, and determine what contributed to the high energy level. Many times it involves a specific belief or purpose that is important to you.
Your why involves your cause. The cause of your business does not change, though the course of action or how you achieve your cause may change. To maintain focus means to maintain your focus on the cause.
A famous "why" by one of my mentors, Jay Kubassek, is "To Create 100 Millionaires by 2012." This in turn became the mission statement of his company. Another example, if you are in the fitness industry, would be, "Helping 100 People Lose 10+ pounds."
It took me some time to really grasp my "why." I had no idea when I first started what my "why" was. I had to find a way to combine the things that I loved and determine what my true purpose and passion was. So based on my previous experiences and the things that I enjoy in life, I was able to create my "why." My "why" is to, help 100 people do what inspires them, to achieve their goals and to create their best life without limits. I give you this as an example so that you will be able to create your "why." Once I created my "why" my business flourished!
Now take some time to create your "why". Determining your "why" will help your network marketing business grow, and will help you attract people into your Internet business that have the same belief as you. Knowing your "why" will help you understand the reasons you do what you do. Once you've finished I would love to know what it is...make sure you add it to the comment box on the website below.
About the Author:
Want to find out more about Network Marketing Success, then visit Network Marketing Success News on how to choose the best Network Marketing Company for your needs.
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