How The Law Of Rhythm Works

By Nicole Lanning

The Law of Rhythm is probably one of the universal laws that a lot of people do not like. This one states that everything is in a rhythm, just as the tides go in and out at shore. There are rhythms with everything; bad times are followed by good times, night is followed by day, and down swings are followed by up swings.

You really do have to understand how this interprets into your life so. When you think about it, we have daytime and nighttime, this is a rhythm daytime slowly turns and nighttime and daytime slowly turns into daytime. We also have ups and downs with this as well within our life. We have good days, and we have bad days, you would not notice these different rhythms in your life if we did not have these polar opposites. All of the good days be taken for granted and you would not really understand the concept of them in your life.

Without these rhythms we would take much for granted and lose our appreciation for the good things, times and events that do happen in our lives. So whether we like this law of rhythm or not it is here to help us!

And let me be here to tell you, everyone is held to this law! Even the most wealthiest, healthiest, and happiest people in the world have their ups and down's, so please understand we all go through this.

So what do you do when you're feeling in a bad part of one of the down days that you may be having in your waiting for that upswing in your life? It is all about staying focused on your goal, staying positive with it, and using a lot of repetition in your life. We all have bad days from time to time, as that is what makes this really appreciate all the good that we have in our life!

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