Make a Fan Page on Facebook Right Now

By James Lynch

In this article you're going to learn how to make a fan page on Facebook the easy way. It only takes a few minutes to set up and you're going to be so glad that you did. You'll be able to say that you have a fan page on the biggest social networking site in the world. You'll now be a part of the cool crowd.

Fan pages are becoming quite the hot trend amongst businesses, networkers, and anyone that wants to create an online presence. Instead of sending people to websites, people are now sending prospects to fan pages instead.

If you want to get an idea of what you want your page to look like then it's a good idea to check out other peoples fan pages before you make a fan page on Facebook.

Are you ready to begin setting up your page? If so, then the first step you'll want to take is to go to Google and type in "fan page." Next you'll want to click on the site that says "Create a Page."

The next step that you want to take is to choose the category of your page.

Before you choose the name of your page, it's important to give it some thought because you can't ever change your page name.

If you don't like your page name then you can always create a new one but if you have a lot of existing fans this could be a real pain.

Before you create your page it's important to read Facebook's terms and conditions.

On the next screen you'll see "Create a Facebook Account." If you are the only person on the planet that still doesn't have an account yet then you'll need to create one. Otherwise, login to your account.

Step 1: Choose a photo. Make sure that your photo is professional and looks nice.

Step 2: Invite your friends and family to become your fan.

*I would highly suggest inviting friends at a moderate pace. Don't go inviting hundreds of friends at a time. This could cause facebook to suspend your account. I personally recommend inviting about 50 friends a day to be safe.

Step 3: You can import an email or contact list and invite them to become your fan.

Step 4: Post Status. Make sure that you post frequently and keep a healthy balance between personal and business posts. People don't like to read about business all of the time.

Step 5: Promote your page on your website. Make sure to add a "like" box to your blog or website. You should also add links to your fan page on email signatures and other social media profiles as well.

You'll need to promote your page in as many places as possible if you want to get a lot of fans.

Step 6: You can upload photos and post updates by setting up your cell phone.

How easy was that? Now you know how to make a fan page on Facebook. Now it's time to go out there and start getting fans. Go Gettem!

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