Anklet Jewelry Brand: Silver.Ag

By Jan Pavlik

Jewelry and accessories for female feet has been a common practice in India, Egypt, and the Middle East for centuries, and these vary from henna art to anklet bracelets. Ankle chains, or commonly known as anklet, also became popular in the West in the late twentieth century, and remain as distinct fashion statements today.

Whether in flexible or inflexible designs, anklets are sometimes combined with semiprecious stones and several chain patterns that are usually handcrafted and unique per piece. Some anklets are designed with additional intricate chains that lead to toe rings, which is a popular fashion statement in India. These can also be made with gold, silver, leather, nylon, or plastic beads threaded together for a new look.

Inflexible ankle bracelets are simply sheets of metal, whether gold, silver, brass or copper, that are flattened out and given shape before adding intricate designs or semiprecious stones. Some inflexible anklets look like ankle cuffs as they cover a larger area, and some look like the wrist bangle that fits around the ankle to give a type of "slave" effect when worn.

The anklets that follow the flexible design are the most commonly fashionable, as makers of these can be a little more creative playing with chains and charms as well as semiprecious or precious stones to attract attention. Some of these flexible anklets can be so intricately combined that they almost look like the cuff-like inflexible ones as they are a combination of chains almost knitted together into a solid pattern.

Most anklets are accessorized with additional charms or bells that give off a slight tinkling sound, and some males find this attractive and cause them to pay more attention to the wearer. Western cultures have used anklets to add accent to summer outfits as well as adding that simple elegant look to formal wear when trying to keep accessories at a minimum.

The fact that these jewelry pieces are so uniquely placed on the upper portion of the feet makes them very eye catching and attractive to many who notice them. Regardless of ornamentation or simplicity in design, they have always had the same impact over many generations.

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