Hong Kong Maids-Employer's Racial Preference with Hong Kong Maids

By Alice Sy

Hong Kong maids are judged by employers in distinct ways during the hiring process. One controversial classification though is about one's ethnicity. Since maids in Hong Kong come in racial varieties, discrimination during the selection or hiring process has become natural and sadly unaddressed issue.

Today, there are over 140,000 Indonesian maids in Hong Kong households. Filipinos come in at an estimated number of 136,000. A Round off 7,000 can be divided among maids from Nepal, China, Thailand and even Sri Lanka. With a host of different races aside from the natives vying for the job position, preference is not always equal.

Hong Kong maids do not escape the judgment of a prospective employer based on race. If there has been a current tragedy or crime involving a Filipino, some people would tend to avoid hiring a Filipino maid for some reason. This comes true too for other Nationalities where an individual is judged based on the crime of another. One employer who has had a bad experience with one race tends to experiment and hire other races.

Employers really need to go beyond judging a person based on racial background. The crime of one's forefather's does not guarantee the same for the rest. Personal biases should not be the reason for hiring. Race is a factor if the employers seek a maid with certain knowledge in a specific language or religious bias. If being a maid is all about cleaning, cooking and child minding, every race has a chance.

Hong Kong Maids on another note still has many things to be thankful for since not all employers, in fact majority of those actually make a fair consideration for all races. Either way, character, set of skills and experience should be the main mediums of consideration. While equality has a far long way to go, at least some are already giving light to the problem.

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