How To Get Girls - A Crippling Seduction Sin Men Commit With Women

By Lee Rosenberg

Do you know what most men do when they first meet a woman?

They bombard her with lots of questions, such as, "What's your name?" "What do you do for work?" and "Do you come here often?"

This seems perfectly innocent. It's an easy way to keep the conversation going. Moreover, women love to talk about themselves.

But when men do this, women act bored and often abruptly end the conversation.

What's going on?

There's nothing wrong with questions per se.

But here's the problem with asking lots of them...

Every time you ask a question, it requires effort from a woman. Unconsciously, she is asking herself: Does this guy have enough value that it's worth me answering this question?

To add insult to injury, if she's at a bar and drinking, the last thing she wants to do is answer questions - it makes her feel like she's on a job interview.

So what should you do instead?

Ask questions but ask them sparingly. Moreover, don't ask questions just to keep the conversation going. Instead, ask questions that spur interesting conversations.

A question like "Do you come here often?" is a bad question because it reaps a yes or no answer.

However, a question like, "If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?" is a great question. It gets her talking. If you have traveled a lot, you can share stories about the places you've been.

Let's sum everything up: ask questions to probe for conversation topics that are relevant to her. Once you have found a conversation topic that interests her, feel free to talk about yourself. She will listen because it is something that interests her. Also, this will encourage her to share things about herself. Before you know it, you guys will be chatting up a storm like old friends.

This will work whether you make your money from marketing, advertising, the finance world, selling autos, or something else.

Whether you're into blogs, gardening, sports, spirituality, religion, traveling the world, being a family man, or health and fitness, this advice will help you.

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