Follow These Tips To Get More Followers

By McLovin Loenschturm

When you use internet social networking, the pursuit to get more followers can be a struggle. High numbers of people following your feed means that your business offerings and ideas can reach a greater audience. Here are some ideas to keep in mind when trying to make your audience grow.

It is important to make sure that your social media network is the type that helps you attract followers. Consider who you follow -- hopefully, their feeds are popular. While it is necessary to develop a network that includes people with similar interests to you, it is also important for it to include popular users. This will help you gain exposure.

Another important tip is to repost status updates from highly-followed persons. This increases your visibility, and makes you seem more connected to these individuals. The name recognition that comes from reposting status updates from high-profile individuals may attract more people to follow you.

It is good to make sure that your network has elements of diversity and specialization. If you are situated in a specific industry area, make sure that you follow some of the leaders in your industry to help gain followers from that group. However, it is also important to have followers who represent your "weak ties" throughout your life online and offline. Following these people can help increase your exposure beyond a particular niche. As well, making sure that your network contains people from around the world rather than a specific geographic location helps with this goal.

Posting blog posts and status updates with links to other peoples' online news articles or blog posts helps you gain followers through the use of trackback links. When other social networkers follow these trackback links in the comments section of another website, they will be directed to your feed and may follow your profile or blog. This is also an important part of joining into the wider conversation of the internet.

Also, make sure that people know about your social media accounts. List your usernames on your business card or resume, for a start. Consider integrating your recent status updates into your blog or website to attract those readers. As well, even though social media is an internet phenomenon, it doesn't mean you can't talk about it. Make sure that people you interact with off the the web know that you are a social media user, because they might be users too.

Once you've used social media for a while, you may have incorporated some of these strategies into your online life. However, it never hurts to revisit how you promote your internet presence. If you need or want to get more followers, keep these ideas in mind.

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