What is a squeeze page? If you desire to get visitor's names, addresses and other information for the reason of follow-up marketing, you make what is called a squeeze page, which is simply a single web page that performs very efficiently, the task of getting the information you are after. With no exit hyperlinks from it, you, the marketer, draw in the visitor with a story or offer which relates to his interests.
A lot of individuals will not make a purchase upon initially viewing a sales page for a product, but they could often be attracted to buy if they become more familiar with the product. If you could get your visitors to sign up for your mailing list on their initial visit, you can send them additional e-mail messages to convince them to buy the product at a later date. A squeeze page is a Web page that is created for one purpose and one purpose only - to get visitors to sign up for your mailing list, and this is what a squeeze page is all about.
A squeeze page normally does not have as much copy as a sales letter, but most squeeze pages have some teaser text and bullet points. And this is the procedure needed for marketers to create the "list", that precious highly targeted group of individuals to whom they later make a relationship with and further on, from time to time, make marketing offers to. Audio and video is now applied progressively, in place of text on squeeze pages. Many text-based squeeze pages include a headline, a short paragraph or two of copy, a few bullet points, and an opt-in box -all "above the fold", meaning the reader does not have to scroll down to keep on reading.
Other than those items above, you don't want anything else on the page that might distract the visitor from signing up. You want them to do one thing and one thing only - sign up for the list. Once they sign up for your mailing list, you can send them to the product's sales page, or you can send them additional information about the product through your auto responder.
An admired saying among online marketers is that "the money is in the list." Having good products to sell is necessary, but having ready-to-buy customers is very important. Now you are acquainted with what a squeeze page is. A good squeeze page can go a long way towards helping you realize that goal.
A lot of individuals will not make a purchase upon initially viewing a sales page for a product, but they could often be attracted to buy if they become more familiar with the product. If you could get your visitors to sign up for your mailing list on their initial visit, you can send them additional e-mail messages to convince them to buy the product at a later date. A squeeze page is a Web page that is created for one purpose and one purpose only - to get visitors to sign up for your mailing list, and this is what a squeeze page is all about.
A squeeze page normally does not have as much copy as a sales letter, but most squeeze pages have some teaser text and bullet points. And this is the procedure needed for marketers to create the "list", that precious highly targeted group of individuals to whom they later make a relationship with and further on, from time to time, make marketing offers to. Audio and video is now applied progressively, in place of text on squeeze pages. Many text-based squeeze pages include a headline, a short paragraph or two of copy, a few bullet points, and an opt-in box -all "above the fold", meaning the reader does not have to scroll down to keep on reading.
Other than those items above, you don't want anything else on the page that might distract the visitor from signing up. You want them to do one thing and one thing only - sign up for the list. Once they sign up for your mailing list, you can send them to the product's sales page, or you can send them additional information about the product through your auto responder.
An admired saying among online marketers is that "the money is in the list." Having good products to sell is necessary, but having ready-to-buy customers is very important. Now you are acquainted with what a squeeze page is. A good squeeze page can go a long way towards helping you realize that goal.
About the Author:
Want to discover more about What Is A Squeeze Page? Don't forget to drop by The Squeeze Page website where you can learn different things about What Is A Squeeze Page and what it can do for you.
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