Writing Articles - 3 Steps To Help You Get Started

By Phillip Guye

Do you have trouble getting started writing an article? One of the toughest obstacles in article writing is actually starting the article writing process. It doesn't matter how many articles we write because it's something we want to avoid since we don't know where to start. Now is the time to take the challenge head on since article writing has become a form of marketing that almost anyone can do and afford. Creating an outline is one of the best methods to use when writing an article. Viral video marketing, like writing an article, has now become a fad. Outline gives foundation to your article. In other words outline gives you a starting point from which you can build into a story.

Brainstorm - Brainstorm and write down your ideas to start off your outline. Write freely for about fifteen minutes. Try not to over think when you are writing down your ideas. This technique does not have to be formal so write freely. Think of other ideas you'd like to cover and support that idea with some points. Review your notes and after this organize your outline.

Organize the Outline - When you organize your outline, identify and ensure the purpose of the article. The objective of the article must help you identify the introduction of your article. Then identify key points of your article. Now that you've got a frame for that article, you have to put together ideas supporting those key points. As you come up with more supporting material your outline will build and you'll have an expectation of the entire article. Following this process you should have an outline of all of your paragraphs (i.e. the body of the article). You now need to outline a conclusion. The conclusion outline needs to be like the introduction of the outline and supportive of all the main points of the outline.

Create the First Draft - So now you should have enough material for a first draft of this article. Your draft should be a similar process to your brainstorm. Just write. Don't be worried about being ideal. Consider it this way, no one will read your first draft. Plus you'll be refining the draft into an article. As you undergo this process, you'll see the article form.

Always make reference to your outline and let it be the central point to your article. From my experience it is very simple to get off the purpose of your article. Your outline can keep you on track to the purpose of the article (is you use it). An outline doesn't only give a plan for your article it serves as a way to get started with writing the article. Your outline skills are going to be something you'll refine with practice. You'll build momentum to earning the first draft of your article. You will eventually trust yourself and become a really productive tool in writing articles quickly and effectively. Try also other known social media marketing services around.

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