In network marketing, your contacts are the fuel to fill up your tank and keep your business vehicle running. They are your most valuable assets. You want to make sure that you don't scare them off with your aggressive approach. Remember we are sharing something that we are very excited about.
Without support of the people closest to you, you may begin to lose your excitement about your dreams. Your family and friends can encourage you and provide you with a natural accountability soure as you look forward to living your dreams together.
Taking the time to care for the people around you and spend some time getting to know them as an individual, may be beneficial to your future prospects. Knowing how to help them or what part of your product may be useful to them. If you are trying to sell something to a person they may get scared away, get resentful, or brush you off for good. You want to have a relationship with them first.
In addition to the all the people you may know now, you also meet hundreds of people in your everyday life. Some people may include your hairdresser, dentist, waitress or your grocery store clerk.Think of each of these people as a new relationship and potential business partner.
People will then learn to trust in you, not feel the pressure, show you care for their best interest at heart. Also show them ways how your product or service could benefit them as an individual, how they can gain an extra income, have fun with something they could really enjoy and still make a great income.
In network marketing you need to remember that is is a process. This will not happen overnight so you need to realize not to rush into this. Get to know a future prospect a bit first, ask questions about them, show them your interested in them as well as a person. Get contact info and plan to meet again to share some great ideas.
Don't get frustrated with yourself thinking you may never have enough people in your business or it may never grow. It will amaze you how easy it is to meet new people everyday. There are those that are closest to you like your family and friends, then there are those that are total strangers you meet in a grocery store or an airport. Exchange business cards, get contact info, set up a time to chat again.
There are so many situations everyday that present you with the ability to make a new friend or make a new future prospect. You have to be open to new ideas, new ways of life, be open, with each of these represents new opportunities.
Meeting with a new prospect can be as much fun and rewarding as well. As exciting because of his or hers life experiences, business trips, vacations, children, meeting a stranger in a grocery store, or looking through a phonebook.
Always remember to be true to yourself, love what you do, believe and the rest will work itself out. Be a product of the product. Your prospect is silently asking you to led because you have a produt/service that they may want or need, and you are the one perceived as the expert.
Without support of the people closest to you, you may begin to lose your excitement about your dreams. Your family and friends can encourage you and provide you with a natural accountability soure as you look forward to living your dreams together.
Taking the time to care for the people around you and spend some time getting to know them as an individual, may be beneficial to your future prospects. Knowing how to help them or what part of your product may be useful to them. If you are trying to sell something to a person they may get scared away, get resentful, or brush you off for good. You want to have a relationship with them first.
In addition to the all the people you may know now, you also meet hundreds of people in your everyday life. Some people may include your hairdresser, dentist, waitress or your grocery store clerk.Think of each of these people as a new relationship and potential business partner.
People will then learn to trust in you, not feel the pressure, show you care for their best interest at heart. Also show them ways how your product or service could benefit them as an individual, how they can gain an extra income, have fun with something they could really enjoy and still make a great income.
In network marketing you need to remember that is is a process. This will not happen overnight so you need to realize not to rush into this. Get to know a future prospect a bit first, ask questions about them, show them your interested in them as well as a person. Get contact info and plan to meet again to share some great ideas.
Don't get frustrated with yourself thinking you may never have enough people in your business or it may never grow. It will amaze you how easy it is to meet new people everyday. There are those that are closest to you like your family and friends, then there are those that are total strangers you meet in a grocery store or an airport. Exchange business cards, get contact info, set up a time to chat again.
There are so many situations everyday that present you with the ability to make a new friend or make a new future prospect. You have to be open to new ideas, new ways of life, be open, with each of these represents new opportunities.
Meeting with a new prospect can be as much fun and rewarding as well. As exciting because of his or hers life experiences, business trips, vacations, children, meeting a stranger in a grocery store, or looking through a phonebook.
Always remember to be true to yourself, love what you do, believe and the rest will work itself out. Be a product of the product. Your prospect is silently asking you to led because you have a produt/service that they may want or need, and you are the one perceived as the expert.
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