How to get on first page of google?

By Adam Friedman

When you have something of use to people, you'll need keywords to bring them to your website. Your keyword can be one word, many words or phrases. Multiple words and phrases do best because they are more specific, which is pleasing to potential customers because they can find you easier this way. Keywords also help in giving you better search engine rankings.

But it is quite possible to get to the first page of Google-and, it isn't really all that difficult to do. In fact, the techniques for getting a website on the first page of this search engine are easy enough that any webmaster can-and should-try them. Just have a go at the suggestions listed below and your site will be on its way to page one in no time!

The text you see on websites is called web copy. For that reason, you'll need to strategically place your keywords/phrases on the web page in order to convince the search engines that your material is highly relevant. Bear in mind that your customers still need to come first.

o Make sure nothing is under construction. It is ok to be working on some pages of your site; simply do not publish these pages yet. Every published page should be in complete working order. All links should function correctly as well. Check everything to make certain.

o Adjust your page names. Google will look at the names of your pages when determining where they should fall within the search rankings. Therefore, it is worth your time to make some small adjustments. Let's say you have a page on your website that contains an article about hydroponic tomatoes. Rather than having the page indexed by Google as '' take a moment and change it to ''. This will help the page to show up higher in the search results for 'hydroponic tomatoes.'

When websites have links, it will drastically improve search engine rankings. The reason for this is that bots will see the amount of links and determine its popularity. Still, it's the quality of the links and not the amount of links that makes a difference.

o Link to relevant websites. Google likes popular websites; therefore, if you can link to popular websites that are relevant to your keyword, Google will like your website and will rank you higher.o Use an HTML validator. Google will not rank your website high at all if your website coding isn't correct. So, use a validator to double check all of your HTML coding.

While SEO is important and worth paying for if you can afford it, there are many things you can do to optimize your website if you can't afford to pay an expert. Just remember that optimizing your site takes time and you are unlikely to see immediate results unless you have identified a keyword that has little effective competition. And the bonus is that even if your site never gets to be on the first page of Google, following these steps will benefit both your website and your business.

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