One of the most important things about the network marketing industry is to be able to differentiate real business opportunities from the fakers and the scammers. So when I heard about Ardyss, I decided to do some due diligence to see if they were a legit company really helping people out or if they were just trying to make a quick buck out of poor unsuspecting people.
Ardyss offers a few different types of products. They mainly do body reshaping garments but also offer nutritionals and skin care products as well. Ardyss Body Magic is their main product and is a body shaper that claims to be able to reduce your body size by 2 to 3 sizes as soon as you put it on. They also claim that the transformation of the body will be permanent with regular use over a period of time. It works by reshaping the body from your shoulders all the way to your thighs and has been proven to give the body an hour glass figure.
This is amazing technology that sounds farfetched since there are other products that are similar to this one. The first thing that came to my mind was Spanx. So I dug a little deeper and spoke to a few people that have tried their product and got some surprising responses. Almost all the people I spoke to about Ardyss Body Magic swears by the product. It really does drop 2 to 3 sizes as soon as you put it on, and it is not a temporary fix especially if you use it the way that is instructed.
This together with a strong compensation plan that pays its agents for really going out there, making it happen and doing the work, puts Ardyss on my "OK" list. After looking at all the different reviews, I can see that their products really work and they have one of the best business models which helps people to tone their bodies, loose weight and helps them to earn a very good income at the same time.
But is it really all that peachy? Not really. The reality is that network marketing is a great business. And it does have the potential to make more millionaires than any other industry, but it is important to understand that a good product and compensation plan will not guarantee success. What really drives success, is knowing exactly HOW to market the business properly. Speaking to friends and family is just ONE of the many ways to grow this business.
Agents from Ardyss and all other network marketing companies should really look to using modern day forms of communication and technology like the Internet to grow their business. This will allow them to market to a much larger group of people, instead of just the people in their city. This is the only way to truly have an international business from the comfort of your home. They also need to use attraction marketing techniques so that they can attract people instead of chase uninterested prospects all the time.
There are many tools available online that can be used to leverage their position and time so that there is no wasted effort or repeated actions. And most importantly, training and personal education on specific marketing techniques needs to be put in front of anything else if people truly want to build empires and go full time in this business.
Ardyss offers a few different types of products. They mainly do body reshaping garments but also offer nutritionals and skin care products as well. Ardyss Body Magic is their main product and is a body shaper that claims to be able to reduce your body size by 2 to 3 sizes as soon as you put it on. They also claim that the transformation of the body will be permanent with regular use over a period of time. It works by reshaping the body from your shoulders all the way to your thighs and has been proven to give the body an hour glass figure.
This is amazing technology that sounds farfetched since there are other products that are similar to this one. The first thing that came to my mind was Spanx. So I dug a little deeper and spoke to a few people that have tried their product and got some surprising responses. Almost all the people I spoke to about Ardyss Body Magic swears by the product. It really does drop 2 to 3 sizes as soon as you put it on, and it is not a temporary fix especially if you use it the way that is instructed.
This together with a strong compensation plan that pays its agents for really going out there, making it happen and doing the work, puts Ardyss on my "OK" list. After looking at all the different reviews, I can see that their products really work and they have one of the best business models which helps people to tone their bodies, loose weight and helps them to earn a very good income at the same time.
But is it really all that peachy? Not really. The reality is that network marketing is a great business. And it does have the potential to make more millionaires than any other industry, but it is important to understand that a good product and compensation plan will not guarantee success. What really drives success, is knowing exactly HOW to market the business properly. Speaking to friends and family is just ONE of the many ways to grow this business.
Agents from Ardyss and all other network marketing companies should really look to using modern day forms of communication and technology like the Internet to grow their business. This will allow them to market to a much larger group of people, instead of just the people in their city. This is the only way to truly have an international business from the comfort of your home. They also need to use attraction marketing techniques so that they can attract people instead of chase uninterested prospects all the time.
There are many tools available online that can be used to leverage their position and time so that there is no wasted effort or repeated actions. And most importantly, training and personal education on specific marketing techniques needs to be put in front of anything else if people truly want to build empires and go full time in this business.
About the Author:
Success in MLM companies has more to do with the actual marketing and execution of the business than the MLM business itself. Click here to get Aaron Chen's article that breaks this down piece by piece to help you figure out what you need to succeed in this business.
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