There are so many ways in this day and age to make money on the internet. The whole idea of getting up every day and going to a nine-to-five work day job will be a thing of the past sooner than you think. With the emergence of telecommuting, distance work agreements, and companies switching to four day work weeks, the internet based business market is going to boom.
Anyone can start an internet business. There are lots of articles out there like this one: Internet Based Businesses, that ask, Do you have what it takes to start an internet based home business?
These are some simple steps to starting an internet business:
1. Brainstorm - You need an idea for a business before you can move forward.
2. Determine how much time and money you need to put into this idea.
3. Buy your domain name, and buy hosting for your domain.
4. Design your site, or hire a web development company to design your site for you.
5. Advertise, Advertise, Advertise.
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